Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rice Kripsie Treats - Super Secret Recipe!!

Like I said yesterday, everyone knows how to make Rice Krispie treats. The recipe is right on the box. Being the sweet tooth I am, I like to spruce up the recipe with a few changes; including my secret ingredient. Here it goes:
  1. Melt 4 Tablespoons butter in large pot over medium low heat.
  2. Add 5 cups mini marshmallows. Stir, stir, stir.
  3. When the marshmallows are almost melted, add the secret ingredient. Are you ready?
brown sugar! (a bit less than 1/4 cup). Are you surprised? More sugar!

4. Keep stirring until the marshmallows are totally melted.
5. Add 6 cups Rice Krispies cereal. Mix well.
6. Press into buttered 9x13 pan. Use waxed paper or butter up your hands.

Enjoy your ooey, gooey treat!
And remember: if you lick it off the spoon, it doesn't have calories!

Other ideas:
  • Spread the still warm treats on a cookie sheet and use cutters to make treats in fun shapes.
  • Make different colors by adding food coloring to the melted marshmallows.